Communication Services

A thought kept in the brain is of no use unless and until it is shared with other individuals and rest of the world. The idea, no matter however brilliant it is, must come out for its successful implementation for it to benefit one and all. It is the prime responsibility of the individual to share his thoughts and ideas with others.

How is it possible? How can one share his ideas and thoughts?

Radio Communication System

In the radio communication system the information flows with the help of a radio. Radio communication system works with the aid of a transmitter and a receiver both equipped with an antenna.

The transmitter with the help of an antenna produces signals which are carried through radio carrier wave. The receiver also with the help of an antenna receives the signal. Some information is unwanted and must be discarded and hence the electronic filters help in the separation of radio signals from other unwanted signals which are further amplified to an optimum level Finally the signals are decoded in an information which can be easily understood by the individuals for them to respond accordingly.

Optical Communication System

The word “Optical” stands for light. As the name itself suggests, optical communication system depends on light as the medium for communication. In an optical communication system the transmitter converts the information into an optical signal (signal in the form of light) and finally the signal then reaches the recipient. The recipient then decodes the signal and responds accordingly. In optical communication system, light helps in the transmission of information. The safe landing of helicopters and aeroplanes work on the above principle. The pilots receive light signals from the base and decide their next movements. On the roads, red light communicates the individual to immediately stop while the individual moves on seeing the green light.

Digital communication can take place anytime. You just need to have your computer and you can communicate and share your ideas and thoughts anytime anywhere just by the click of a button.

The disadvantage of digital communication is the recipient can’t view the expressions of the sender and has to rely only on the information sent to him. Facial expressions don’t really matter in digital communication. One must master the art of writing emails for an effective digital communication. Always remember the other person can’t see you; he just has to depend on the mail. Your e mail has to be impressive and relevant to create the desired impact and for the recipient to respond and give his feedback. A person putting up in India can now very easily chat and even see his friend putting up in Los Angeles, thanks to video conferencing and Digital communication. Faceboook, Orkut, Twitter are also instrumental in digital communication. Through these social networking sites individuals try to communicate what is new in their lives or share any other important information with friends and relatives. A simple tweet or a scrap can actually let the other person know a lot about the other individuals.

Microwave communication system

Microwave communication occurs with the help of microwaves.

Let us first try to understand what are microwaves?

The radiowaves whose wavelengths can be conveniently measured in small numbers of centimeters with the help of various electronic technologies are called as Microwaves.

Thus a microwave communication is majorly with the help of radiowaves with a small and a measurable wavelength. In this mode of communication, antennas of convenient sizes are instrumental in carrying the radiowaves to facilitate the microwave communication.

Let’s go back to the history to find out more about microwave mode of communication.

The technology for microwave communication came into picture in 1940 in Western Union. After five years in 1945, the first microwave message was sent between towers, one located in New York and the other tower located in Philadelphia.

After the successful transmission of microwave message, this became the most commonly used mode of data transmission. There are two types of Microwave communication. Analog and Digital Microwave communication, where digital is more advanced as compared to analog microwave system.

Both the above are communication types which help in the transmission of signals for the process of communication to take place. Whether it is satellite, or optical, or laser, or microwave their objective is same - the transmission of signals from one party to the other.