Travel, Transportation & Hospitality



The travel segment, including but not limited to airlines, airports, travel intermediaries, cruise liners, and car rentals is witnessing an upturn. Passengers today want prompter and better services at cheaper costs. Therefore, it has become imperative for travel companies to provide differentiated offerings which also ensure greater market share.
Innohub  is committed to the travel business by applying technology at the forefront of customer experience. With a focused approach towards pertinent business processes in the industry, we envision a partnership with our clients and help them achieve optimum value from technological investments. We aim to maximize RoI by mapping processes to applications, infrastructure, and databases, thereby eliminating redundancies and cost overrun.


The global logistics sector is still reeling from the after effects of last decade’s economic turbulence. Rising fuel costs and global recession severely affected all types of traffic. At Innohub

 there’s a commitment to helping logistics firms solve their business problems in real-time. We provide actionable business solutions to facilitate transport across rail, road, maritime, and aviation.


Customer experience is the key differentiator in hospitality industry. Keeping this in mind, Innohub deploys new age platforms and applications that orchestrate superior end-user experience. We help our clients unlock a host of benefits through strategic investments in technology.