Android & IOS Development

What are the top mobile app development companies on the market I should get in touch? You maybe asking yourself this question whether you need to create an app for iOS, Android, Windows Mobile or build a cross-platform one. By any stretch, it’s not a trivial question and to make the right choice you need to see many options on a single list to compare and make an informative decision.

Because of the nature of the app development process, the top Android and iOS app developers can be found scattered across the globe, from California in the USA to Europe and South East Asia. In many cases, these companies split their office between multiple locations. For instance, they may open headquarters with sales and marketing, let’s say in US, and its design and development arm somewhere in India or Eastern Europe. On the other hand, there are strong agencies that are wholly located in India and Latin America too, and the UK always has a good proportion of the top app developers. This guide rounds up the best app development companies from multiple geographies. To cut your googling that maybe painstaking, we chose for you companies with a proven track record and a diversified portfolio; most of the top app development companies here can code for iOS, Android, Windows Mobile or go cross-platform and build a hybrid app. We looked at the strength of their UX/UI design and their willingness to dabble with new tech like wearables, AR, VR, Blockchain, Amazon Alexa and conversational bots. Finally, we did not discriminate by size, as small studios can compete with larger companies on all quality metrics.


App Development Platforms

There are two major platforms – iOS (the iPhone’s operating system) and Android (Google’s system used on everything from Samsung to LG and Huawei phones).

There’s also Windows 10 Mobile, although that has less than 1% of market share in the INDIA and in all other markets is under 10%.


App Development Pricing and Costs

The price of an app can vary massively depending on how complex the app is, on whether it’s just Android or iOS, if it’s native or hybrid and especially on the developer you choose.

Estimates range from as little as $3000 to $150,000 for more complex apps made by high-end developers.

Costs also change according to country. The median cost per hour for Android development in the US is $167, $70 in the UK and $30 in India. For iOS the media is $150/hour in the USA, $70/hour in the UK and $26/hour in India (Android is heavily favoured over iOS in India.)